As commercial real estate advisors to our clients, we help our clients line up a transaction that is a glove for their needs. As commercial real estate advisors we ask probing questions about the specifics of our client’s needs and their priorities for the long term. By doing so, we position ourselves to find quality leasing solutions that serve the needs of our clients, whether it be to downsize, sublease or renew early. Examples of this include helping a growing tech client line up phased rent payments where they pay on 6,000 SF of a 10,000 SF space for the first year of the lease term. This type of phased occupancy is ideal if the client plans to grow into the space over the course of the lease but they don’t need the entire space at the begging of the lease term. Other strategic actions may include helping a client who is waiting for a large round of venture funding find a high quality sublease that is short term and priced at 70 percent of current market rates.
The commercial tenant advisory services that we provide are geared towards a long term approach of meeting our client’s objectives. We believe that commercial tenant advisory services ensure that a client’s needs are addressed to the highest degree possible. The real estate advisory services that we provide to our clients enable them to maximize the amount of quality concessions that they are awarded during the lease negotiation process. At the same time, this lines up a mutually beneficial relationship that affords us the ability to provide real estate advisory services on numerous transactions over many years.