
We focus on the East Bay and know all the the available space inside and out.


Find the right office space to suit your company


We'll help you find
the building that's just
right for your business.


Our experts make your experience easier through our detailed process

Free needs analysis and customized availability survey of commercial office space for lease provided upon request.

Over 75 Years Of Experience In The San Francisco East Bay Area


Oakland Commercial Office Space For Lease in Downtown, Lake Merritt, and North Oakland

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Alameda Commercial Office Lease Availability in South Shore, Bay Farm Island, Webster, Grand, and More

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Emeryville Commercial Office Lease Availability off of Powell Street, Bay Street, and San Pablo Avenue.

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Berkeley Commercial Office Space For Lease in Downtown, North Berkeley, West Berkeley, and near Telegraph Ave.

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Cornish & Carey Commercial Newmark Knight Frank is a commercial real estate brokerage firm located in the San Francisco East Bay Area with an office in Emeryville as well as twelve other offices around the Bay Area. We provide a full array of commercial real estate services, most notably, lease negotiation, business relocation, tenant representation, real estate advisory and real estate search.

We work hard to save our clients significant amounts of money on their office space rental transactions while helping them avoid the hassle of time consuming location research and lease negotiations. Call us today and let us help your business or non-profit save time and money.

San Francisco East Bay Area Commercial Real Estate Agents

Conor Ranahan (Left) and Joel Maimon (Right) – Cornish & Carey Newmark Knight Frank’s East Bay Commercial Real Estate Team